TRC-10 is a token standard in TRON Ecosystem, which is based on chain rather than TVM. By paying 1024 TRX, every account in TRON network is allowed to issue TRC-10 token.
By utilizingAssetIssueContract
, a particular type of transaction in TRON, each account is able to issue TRC-10 after paying 1024 TRX.
Trough FullNodewallet/createassetissue
to create an unsigned transaction issuing TRC-10,curl -X POST -d '{ "owner_address":"417946F66D0FC67924DA0AC9936183AB3B07C81126", "name":"0x6173736574497373756531353330383934333132313538", "abbr": "0x6162627231353330383934333132313538", "total_supply" :100000000, "trx_num":1, "num":1, "precision":1, "start_time" : 1581928489000, "end_time":1581938187000, "description":"007570646174654e616d6531353330363038383733343633", "url":"007570646174654e616d6531353330363038383733343633", "free_asset_net_limit":10000, "public_free_asset_net_limit":10000, "frozen_supply":{"frozen_amount":1, "frozen_days":2} }'
Once the transaction is done, we need to sign and broadcast this transaction in order to implement the issuing. Details can be found in Transactions.
TronWeb SDK
const privateKey = "..."; var createAssetAddress = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR"; const trc_options = { name : "test", abbreviation : "tt", description : "fortest", url : "", totalSupply : 10000000, trxRatio : 1, tokenRatio : 1, saleStart : 1581929489000, saleEnd : 1581938187000, freeBandwidth : 0, freeBandwidthLimit : 0, frozenAmount : 0, frozenDuration : 0, precision : 6 } //create an unsigned transaction for TRC-10 issuing tradeobj = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.createAsset( trc_options, createAssetAddress ).then(output => { console.log('- Output:', output, '\n'); return output; }); //sign const signedtxn = await tronWeb.trx.sign( tradeobj, privateKey ); //broadcast const receipt = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction( signedtxn ).then(output => { console.log('- Output:', output, '\n'); return output; });
is introduced as a type of transaction in TRON network to transfers the token from one account address to another. It can be implemented with either HTTP API or TronWeb SDK.
With fullnode HTTP APIwallet/transferasset
to start an unsigned transaction,curl -X POST -d '{ "owner_address":"41d1e7a6bc354106cb410e65ff8b181c600ff14292", "to_address": "41e552f6487585c2b58bc2c9bb4492bc1f17132cd0", "asset_name": "0x6173736574497373756531353330383934333132313538", "amount": 100 }'
When the transaction is created, we need to sign and broadcast this transaction in order to implement the transfer. Details can be found in Transactions.
TronWeb SDK
const privateKey = "..."; var toAddress = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR"; var tokenID= "1000088"; var amount = 1000; var fromAddress = "TVDGpn4hCSzJ5nkHPLetk8KQBtwaTppnkr"; //create an unsigned transfer tradeobj = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.sendToken( toAddress, amount, tokenID, fromAddress, ).then(output => { console.log('- Output:', output, '\n'); return output; }); //sign const signedtxn = await tronWeb.trx.sign( tradeobj, privateKey ); //broadcast const receipt = await tronWeb.trx.sendRawTransaction( signedtxn ).then(output => { console.log('- Output:', output, '\n'); return output; });
Check Balance
The return value of assetV2 in fullnode HTTP APIwallet/getaccount
shows the TRC-10 balance in wallet,curl -X POST -d '{"address": "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR", "visible": true }'
tronweb SDK
var address = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR"; //check the balance by assetV2 value in return var tradeobj = await tronWeb.trx.getAccount( address, ).then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
More TRC-10 API
Num | API | Description |
1 | getassetissuebyaccount | check issued TRC-10 by account |
2 | getassetissuebyid | check issued TRC-10 by ID |
3 | getassetissuebyname | check issued TRC-10 by name |
4 | getassetissuelistbyname | check issued TRC-10 list by name |
5 | getassetissuelist | check issued TRC-10 list |
6 | getpaginatedassetissuelist | check paginated TRC-10 list |
7 | unfreezeasset | unfreeze pledge ended token |
8 | updateasset | update token info |
9 | participateassetissue | participate token issuing |
Updated almost 2 years ago