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Event Plugin Deployment (MongoDB)

This article mainly explains the event plug-in deployment steps, including: MongoDB, Tron event subscribe plugin, Tron Event Query Service deployment commands, and detailed introduction to the Tron Event Query Service interface.

Suggested Configuration

  • CPU/ RAM: 16Core / 32G
  • DISK: 500G
  • System: CentOS 64

Plugin logic

  • Tron event subscribe plugin's function is to get event information from nodes and store it in MongoDB
  • MongoDB's function is to save event information
  • The function of Tron Event Query Service is to provide the encapsulated http interfaces to get event information from MongoDB.

Deploy Tron Event Subscribe Plugin

#Deployment git clone https://github.com/tronprotocol/event-plugin.git cd eventplugin ./gradlew build
  • Configure node configuration file
    Append at the end of the node configuration file. Here is an example. See also README.md.
event.subscribe = { path = "/deploy/fullnode/event-plugin/build/plugins/plugin-mongodb-1.0.0.zip" // absolute path of plugin server = "" // target server address to receive event triggers dbconfig = "eventlog|tron|123456" // dbname|username|password topics = [ { triggerName = "block" // block trigger, the value can't be modified enable = true topic = "block" // plugin topic, the value could be modified }, { triggerName = "transaction" enable = true topic = "transaction" }, { triggerName = "contractevent" enable = true topic = "contractevent" }, { triggerName = "contractlog" enable = true topic = "contractlog" } ] filter = { fromblock = "" // the value could be "", "earliest" or a specified block number as the beginning of the queried range toblock = "" // the value could be "", "latest" or a specified block number as end of the queried range contractAddress = [ "" // contract address you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract address. ] contractTopic = [ "" // contract topic you want to subscribe, if it's set to "", you will receive contract logs/events with any contract topic. ] } }


Field parsing

  • path: is the absolute path of "plugin-kafka-1.0.0.zip" or "plugin-mongodb-1.0.0.zip"
  • server: Kafka server address or mongodb server address
  • dbconfig: this is mongodb configuration, assign it to "" for kafka plugin
  • topics: each event type maps to one Kafka topic, we support four event types subscribing, block, transaction, contract log and contract event.
  • triggerName: the trigger type, the value can't be modified.
  • enable: plugin can receive nothing if the value is false.
  • topic: the value is the kafka topic or mongodb collection to receive events. Make sure it has been created and Kafka process is running

Deploy MongoDB

#1、Download and install MongoDB cd /home/java-tron curl -O https://fastdl.mongodb.org/linux/mongodb-linux-x86_64-4.0.4.tgz tar zxvf mongodb-linux-x86_64-4.0.4.tgz mv mongodb-linux-x86_64-4.0.4 mongodb #2、Set environmentvariable export MONGOPATH=/home/java-tron/mongodb/ export PATH=$PATH:$MONGOPATH/bin #3、Create mongodb configuration file mkdir -p /home/java-tron/mongodb/{log,data} cd /home/java-tron/mongodb/log/ && touch mongodb.log && cd vim mgdb.conf

Write the created data and log folder to the configuration file (absolute path)
Configuration file example:

dbpath=/home/java-tron/mongodb/data logpath=/home/java-tron/mongodb/log/mongodb.log port=27017 logappend=true fork=true bind_ip= auth=true wiredTigerCacheSizeGB=2



  • bind_ip must be configured to,otherwise remote connection will be refused.
  • wiredTigerCacheSizeGB, must be configured to prevent OOM
#4、Launch MongoDB mongod --config ./mgdb.conf & #5、Create admin account: mongo use admin db.createUser({user:"root",pwd:"admin",roles:[{role:"root",db:"admin"}]}) #6、Create eventlog and its owner account db.auth("root", "admin") use eventlog db.createUser({user:"tron",pwd:"123456",roles:[{role:"dbOwner",db:"eventlog"}]})

Deploy Tron Event Query Service

#1、Download git clone https://github.com/tronprotocol/tron-eventquery.git cd troneventquery #2、Install wget https://mirrors.cnnic.cn/apache/maven/maven-3/3.5.4/binaries/apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz --no-check-certificate tar zxvf apache-maven-3.5.4-bin.tar.gz export M2_HOME=$HOME/maven/apache-maven-3.5.4 export PATH=$PATH:$M2_HOME/bin mvn --version mvn package

After the command is successfully executed, the jar package is generated under the troneventquery/target, and the configuration file is generated. The path is troneventquery/config.conf. The configured content is:

mongo.host=IP mongo.port=27017 mongo.dbname=eventlog mongo.username=tron mongo.password=123456 mongo.connectionsPerHost=8 mongo.threadsAllowedToBlockForConnectionMultiplier=4
#3、Start Tron Event Query Service sh troneventquery/deploy.sh sh troneventquery/insertIndex.sh



  • The default port is 8080. If you want to change it, modify the script troneventquery/deploy.sh:
    nohup java -jar -Dserver.port=8081 target/troneventquery-1.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar 2>&1 &

Load plugin in Java-tron and verification

#1, Start Fullnode Java -jar FullNode.jar -c config.conf --es #Note: Start mongodb before starting the whole node. #Fullnode installation reference: https://github.com/tronprotocol/java-tron/blob/develop/build.md #2, Verify Plugin Loading Tail -f logs/tron.log |grep -i eventplugin # appears below the word is successful #o.t.c.l.EventPluginLoader 'your plugin path/plugin-kafka-1.0.0.zip' loaded #3, Verify whether the data is stored in mongodb Mongo Use eventlog Db.auth("tron", "123456") Show collections Db.block.find() #A successful return of the data indicates that the data can be obtained from the node and stored in the mongod by event subscription. Otherwise,check the fullnode log to troubleshoot it.

Use Event Query Service

  • Main HTTP Service
#Function: get transaction list subpath: $baseUrl/transactions parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 block: start block number, default is 0 Example: #Function: get transaction by hash subpath: $baseUrl/transactions/{hash} parameters hash: transaction id Example: #Function: get transfers list subpath: $baseUrl/transfers parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 from: from address, default is "" to: to address, default is "" token: tokenName, default is "" Example: #Function: get transfers by transactionId subpath: $baseUrl/transfers/{hash} parameters hash: transfer hash Example: #Function: get events list subpath: $baseUrl/events parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order since: start time of event occurrence, timeStamp >= since will be shown start: start page, default is 1 block: block number, block number >= block will be shown Example: #Function: get events by transactionId subpath: $baseUrl/events/transaction/{transactionId} parameters transactionId Example: #Function: get events by contract address subpath: $baseUrl/events/{contractAddress} parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order since: start time of event occurrence, timeStamp >= since will be shown block: block number, block number >= block will be shown contractAddress: contract address start: start page, default is 1 Example: #Function: get events by contract address and event name subpath: $baseUrl/events/contract/{contractAddress}/{eventName} parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order since: start time of event occurrence, timeStamp >= since will be shown contract`Address`: contract address start: start page, default is 1 eventName: event name Example: #Function: get events by contract address, event name and block number subpath: $baseUrl/events/contract/{contractAddress}/{eventName}/{blockNumber} parameters contractAddress: contract address blockNumber: block number, block number >= block will be shown eventName: event name Example: #Function: get events by timeStamp subpath: $baseUrl/events/timestamp parameters since: start time of event occurrence, timeStamp >= since will be shown limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 contract: contract address Example: #Function: get confirm events list subpath: $baseUrl/events/confirmed parameters since: start time of event occurrence, timeStamp >= since will be shown limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 Example: #Function: get block by block hash subpath: $baseUrl/blocks/{hash} parameters hash: block hash Example: #Function: get block list subpath: $baseUrl/blocks parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 block: block number, block number >= block will be shown Example: #Function: get latest block number subpath: $baseUrl/blocks/latestSolidifiedBlockNumber parameters none Example: #Function: get contract log list subpath: $baseUrl/contractlogs parameters limit: each page size, default is 25 sort: sort Field, default is sort by timeStamp descending order start: start page, default is 1 block: block number, block number >= block will be shown Example: #Function: get contract log list based on transactionId subpath: $baseUrl/contractlogs/transaction/{transactionId} parameters transactionId Example:{transactionId} #Function: post abi string and get contract log list based on transactionId(release on 3.6) subpath: $baseUrl/contract/transaction/{transactionId} parameters transactionId body: abi: user self upload abi Example:{transactionId} #Function: get contract log list based on contractAddress subpath: $baseUrl/contractlogs/contract/{contractAddress} parameters contractAddress Example:{contractAddress} #Function: post abi string and get contract log list based on contractAddress(release on 3.6) subpath: $baseUrl/contract/contractAddress/{contractAddress} parameters contractAddress abi: user self upload abi Example:{contractAddress} #Function: get contract log list based on uniqueId subpath: $baseUrl/contractlogs/uniqueId/{uniqueId} parameters uniqueId Example:{uniqueId} #Function: post abi string and get contract log list based on uniqueId(release on 3.6) subpath: $baseUrl/contract/uniqueId/{uniqueId} parameters uniqueId abi: user self upload abi Example:{uniqueId}