Super Representatives
Block producers in the TRON network, also called super representatives, are elected by voting. Any account can apply to become a super representative candidate by paying 9999 TRX and then participate in the super representative election. Any account can vote for super representative candidates, and the top 27 candidates with the most votes become super representatives. Super representative needs to run a TRON node to participate in block production, and will also receive block rewards and voting rewards. Voters who vote to super representatives will receive voting rewards.
The super representative candidates ranked 28th to 127th are also called super representative partners. Super representative partners do not participate in block production and packaging transactions, but will receive voting rewards. Voters who vote to super representative partners will also receive voting rewards.
Voting Right
Before voting for the super representative, any account needs to obtain voting rights, namely TRON Power
(TP). Voting rights can be obtained by staking TRX. In addition to obtaining bandwidth or energy, staking TRX will also obtain voting rights at the same time. Voters who stake 1TRX will receive 1TP.
An account loses the corresponding amount of TP after unstaking the staked TRX, and the ongoing voting will also be invalid. Votes are counted every 6 hours, and super representatives and super representative partners will be changed every 6 hours. If an account has voted multiple times before counting the votes, the TRON network only records the latest vote of the account, and the previous votes will be overwritten.
The production of each block in the TRON network will reward a certain amount of TRX to the super representative and super representative partners. The reward is divided into below two parts:
- Block Reward:With each block’s production, the TRON network will reward 16 TRX to the super representative who produces the block, and the super representative will also distribute the remaining part to the voters according to the voter's voting ratio after deducting their commission ratio.
- Vote Reward:With each block’s production, the TRON network will reward 160 TRX to super representatives and super representative partners who will share 160 TRX in proportion to their votes. The voting rewards obtained by super representatives and super representative partners will also be distributed to voters according to their voting ratio after deducting their own commissions.
Super Representative Brokerage
The brokerage ratio is a ratio deducted from rewards by super representatives and super representative partners. The default ratio is 20%, that is, all rewards generated by voter voting, of which 20% is paid to super representatives or super representative partners as commission compensation. Super representatives and super representative partners can query the brokerage ratio through the wallet/getBrokerage
interface, and can also modify the brokerage ratio through the wallet/updateBrokerage
Block Reward Calculation
Super Representatives can get 16 TRX for each block they produce. The TRON network generates a block every 3 seconds, so a total of 460,800 TRX is generated one day. 27 super representatives take turns to produce blocks. Assuming that the brokerage ratio of super representatives is 20%, the daily block reward that a super representative can get is 3,413 TRX. The calculation formula is as follows:
Reward = 460,800 / 27 * 20%
The rewards for super representative voters for one day are:
Reward = 460,800 / 27 * 80% *(votes / votes obtained by this SR)
Vote Reward Calculation
TRON will generate a voting reward of 160 TRX for each block’s production, for a total of 4,608,000 TRX one day. Assuming that the brokerage rate of a super representative is 20%, the voting reward a super representative(SR) or a super representative partner(SRP) gets for one day is:
Reward = 4,608,000 * votes obtained by the SR or SRP / the total votes of all the SR and SRP * 20%
The voting rewards for the voters of super representative and super representative partner for one day are:
Reward = 4,608,000 * votes obtained by the SR or SRP / the total votes of all the SR and SRP * 80% *( votes / votes obtained by the SR or SRP ) = 4,608,000 * votes / the total votes of all the SR and SRP * 80%
Examples of Rewards Calculation
The following takes a super representative and a super representative partner as examples to illustrate the approximate rewards a user can get in one day. Assuming that the number of votes by the voter is 10,000,000, the total number of votes of the top 127 candidates at the time of document writing is 28,978,895,254.
Example of reward calculation for voting for a super representative
The following Super Representative obtained: 1,233,278,454 votes, and the brokerage ratio is 10%.
Then, the rewards that super representative and his voter can get are:
user | block reward | vote reward | total |
Super Representative | 460,800 / 27 * 10% = 1706 TRX | 4,608,000 * 1,233,278,454 / 28,978,895,254 * 10% = 19610 TRX | 21316 TRX |
Voter | 460,800 / 27 * 90% * 10,000,000/1,233,278,454 = 124 TRX | 4,608,000 * 10,000,000 / 28,978,895,254 * 90% = 1431 TRX | 1555 TRX |
Example of reward calculation for voting for a super representative parter
The following super representative parter obtained: 82,830,160 votes, and the brokerage ratio is 20%.
Then, the rewards that super representative partner and his voter can get are:
user | block reward | vote reward | total |
Super Representative Partner | 0 TRX | 4,608,000 * 82,830,160 / 28,978,895,254 * 20% = 2634 TRX | 2634 TRX |
Voter | 0 TRX | 4,608,000 * 10,000,000 / 28,978,895,254 * 80% = 1272 TRX | 1272 TRX |
Committee And Proposal
The TRON committee consists of the current 27 super representatives, responsible for maintaining and modifying the dynamic parameters of the TRON network, such as block rewards, transaction fees, and so on. Each super representative, super representative partner and super representative candidate has the right to initiate proposals to modify TRON network parameters, but only super representative has the right to vote.
Proposals only support voting for yes, super representatives do not vote means they do not agree with the proposal. Proposals are valid for three days from the time when the proposal was created. During the validity period of the proposal, the super representative can vote on the proposal or cancel the previous vote. If the proposal receives 18 or more super representative votes during the validity period, the proposal will pass. If the proposal has passed the expiration date and has not received enough votes, the proposal will become invalid.
TRON Network Parameters
The dynamic parameters that the TRON network can modify through proposals are as follows:
Number | Parameter | Current Value |
# 0 | Propose to modify the maintenance interval of SR | 6 Hour |
# 1 | Propose to modify the cost of applying for SR account | 9999 TRX |
# 2 | Propose to modify the account creation fee | 0.1 TRX |
# 3 | Propose to modify the fee of 1 unit of Bandwidth | 0.001 TRX |
# 4 | Propose to modify asset issuance fee | 1024 TRX |
# 5 | Propose to modify SR block generation reward | 16 TRX |
# 6 | Propose to modify the rewards given to the top 27 SRs and the following 100 partners | 115200 TRX |
# 7 | Propose to modify the cost of account creation in the system contract | 1 TRX |
# 9 | Propose to activate the Virtual Machine (VM) | 1 |
# 10 | Propose to remove the GR Genesis votes | 1 |
# 11 | Propose to modify the fee of 1 unit of Energy | 0.00021 TRX |
# 12 | Propose to modify the cost of trading pair creation | 1024 TRX |
# 13 | Propose to modify the maximum execution time of one transaction | 80 ms |
# 14 | Propose to allow duplicate account name | 0 |
# 15 | Propose to allow duplicate token name | 1 |
# 16 | Propose to allow resource delegation | 1 |
# 18 | Propose to allow the TRC-10 token transfer in smart contracts | 1 |
# 19 | Propose to modify the total Energy limit | 180000000000 ENERGY |
# 20 | Propose to allow the initiation of multi-signature | 1 |
# 21 | Propose to allow adaptive adjustment for total Energy | 0 |
# 22 | Propose to modify the fee for updating account permission | 100 TRX |
# 23 | Propose to modify the fee for updating multi-signature | 1 TRX |
# 24 | Propose to enable protocol optimization | 0 |
# 26 | Propose to support Constantinople Upgrade for TVM | 1 |
# 29 | Propose to modify the adaptive Energy limit | 1000 |
# 30 | Propose to support the decentralized vote dividend | 1 |
# 31 | Propose to modify the block voting rewards given to the top 27 SRs and the following 100 partner | 160 TRX |
# 32 | Propose to allow TVM to support Solidity 0.5.9 | 1 |
# 33 | Propose to modify the adaptive Energy limit target | 10 |
# 35 | Propose to ban transferring TRX and TRC10 tokens to smart contracts via TransferContract or TransferAssetContract | 0 |
# 39 | Propose to enable the function of verifying zero-knowledge proof in TVM | 1 |
# 40 | Propose to enable PBFT consensus | 0 |
# 41 | Propose to enable TVM Istanbul instruction | 1 |
# 44 | Propose to allow enabling DEX | 0 |
# 45 | Propose to modify fees for creating orders on DEX | 0 TRX |
# 46 | Propose to modify fees for canceling orders on DEX | 0 TRX |
# 47 | Proposal to modify the upper limit of the fee of a smart contract | 15000 TRX |
# 48 | Proposal to open reward pool for transaction fee | 0 |
# 49 | Proposal to optimize black hole accounts | 1 |
# 51 | Propose to enable the new resource model | 0 |
# 52 | Propose to enable the function to stake/unstake balance in virtual machine contracts | 0 |
# 53 | Propose to enable the optimization of account assets | 0 |
# 59 | Propose to enable TVM contract voting | 1 |
# 60 | Propose to initiate EVM-compatible mode for TVM | 0 |
# 61 | Propose to modify the upper limit of free Bandwidth for each account | 600 Bandwidth |
# 62 | Propose to modify the upper limit of total Bandwidth frozen | 43200000000 Bandwidth |
# 63 | Propose to support London Upgrade for TVM | 1 |
# 65 | Propose to allow raising the maximum of MaxCpuTimeOfOneTx net parameters to 400 | 1 |
# 66 | Propose to enable account asset optimization | 1 |
# 67 | Propose to open a new reward algorithm | 1 |
# 68 | Propose to modify the memo charges | 1 TRX |
# 69 | Propose to open the proxy storage optimization | 1 |
# 70 | Propose to enable the new staking mechanism that allows specifying the lock-up days of staked assets | 14 |
# 71 | Propose to allow optimizing the return value of the chainid command | 1 |
# 72 | Propose to allow enabling the dynamic energy model | 1 |
# 73 | Propose to modify the threshold of the dynamic energy model | 5000000000 |
# 74 | Propose to modify the increase factor (in basis points) of the dynamic energy model | 2000 |
# 75 | Propose to modify the maximum increase factor (in basis points) of the dynamic energy model | 34000 |
# 76 | Propose to allow TVM to support Shanghai upgrade | 1 |
# 77 | Propose to allow cancellation of all unstakings | 1 |
# 78 | Propose to allow optimization of delegating resource lock and set the maximum lock period (number of blocks) | 864000 |
# 79 | Propose to allow the optimization of the reward withdrawal algorithm for Phase 1 | 1 |
# 81 | Propose to allow the adjustment on Energy consumption of TVM instructions | 1 |
# 82 | Propose to allow setting an upper limit (in bytes) for the size of account creation transactions | 1000 |
# 87 | Propose to allow update the floating-point power operation library from java.lang.Math to java.lang.StrictMath | 1 |
The APIs related to super representatives, proposals and voting are as follows:
Description | API | |
Apply to be a Super Representative Candidate | wallet/createwitness | |
Edit the URL of the SR's official website | wallet/updatewitness | |
List all Super Representatives | wallet/listwitnesses | |
Vote for super representatives | wallet/votewitnessaccount | |
Get SR brokerage ratio | wallet/getBrokerage | |
Update the SR's brokerage ratio | wallet/updateBrokerage | |
Get the rewards that a SR or a user has not yet withdrawn | wallet/getReward | |
Withdraw rewards | wallet/withdrawbalance | |
Get next voting time | wallet/getnextmaintenancetime | |
Create proposal | wallet/proposalcreate | |
Approve proposal | wallet/proposalapprove | |
Delete proposal | wallet/proposaldelete | |
List all proposals | wallet/listproposals | |
Queries proposal based on ID | wallet/getproposalbyid |
Updated about 2 months ago