How to judge the recharge and withdraw funds by scanning the block?

  1. Get block information from the solidified block according to the block number: /walletsolidity/getblockbynum

  2. Get transactions from the block.

  3. Iterate through transactions to get raw_data.contract.

  4. Iterate over raw_data.contract , raw_data.contract.type

    4.1 TRX entry: raw_data.contract.type == transferContract

    Check if the acceptance address and amount meet the posting criteria: /walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid

    4.2 TRC10 posting: raw_data.contract.type == TransferAssetContract

    Check if the token id, acceptance address and amount meet the entry criteria: /walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid

    4.3 TRC20 posting, TRX/TRC10 posting in the contract: raw_data.contract.type == TriggerSmartContract

    1.Check whether the transaction is successful: 
     /walletsolidity/gettransactioninfobyid query to receive.result == SUCCESS
    2.Check if it contains the transfer(address _to,uint256 _value) event: 
    3.If the transfer event is included, the event is parsed to get the contract address, transfer address, and amount in the event to determine whether the credit conditions
    4.Event parsing rules: 
     Refer to documentation:
    5.whether to include internal transactions, if included, then traverse the internal transactions
       a. If internal_transactions.callValueInfo ! = null & internal_transactions.callValueInfo[i].tokenId == null means it is a TRX transfer that is performed in the contract.
     Reference example transaction:
       internal_transactions.caller is the transfer address
       internal_transactions.transferTo_address is the recipient address
       internal_transactions.callValueInfo[i].callValue is the amount of the transfer
       b. If internal_transactions.callValueInfo ! = null & internal_transactions.callValueInfo[0].tokenId ! = null means that a TRC10 transfer was made in the contract.
      Reference example transaction:
        internal_transactions.caller is the remittance address
        internal_transactions.callValueInfo[i].callValue is the transfer amount
        internal_transactions.callValueInfo[i].tokenId is the TRC10 token ID
        internal_transactions.transferTo_address is the recipient address