TronGridJS is a Javascript library for utilizing TronGrid APIs to retrieve blockchain data from the TRON network.
- Version built for Node.js v6 and above.
- Version built for browsers with more than 0.25% market share.
TronGridJS is also compatible with front-end frameworks like:
- Angular
- React
- Vue
TronGridJS can also be shipped in a Chrome extension.
> npm install trongrid
> yarn add trongrid
Build Steps
If you would like to download and build locally, please follow the below steps:
git clone
cd trongrid-js
yarn install
yarn dev
yarn build
yarn test
Supported APIs
TronGridJS allows for easy access to the new v1 APIs provided by TronGrid. Since TronGridJS uses TronWeb as a dependency, you need to initialize TronGridJS with TronWeb as a constructor parameter:
const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
fullHost: node.HOST,
privateKey: node.PRIVATE_KEY
const tronGrid = new TronGrid(tronWeb)
tronGrid.account.get(accountAddress, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns information about the account at accountAddress | /wallet/getaccount |
Parameter | Description | Values |
onlyConfirmed | Shows only the situation at latest confirmed block. | True | False (Default False) |
tronGrid.account.getTransactions(accountAddress, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the transactions related to the account at accountAddress | /walletextension/gettransactionfromthis /walletextension/gettransactiontothis |
Parameter | Description | Values |
only_confirmed | Shows only confirmed. | true | false (default false) |
only_unconfirmed | Shows only unconfirmed. | true | false (default false) |
only_to | Only transaction to address. | true | false (default false) |
only_from | Only transaction from address. | true | false (default false) |
limit | The requested number of transaction per page. | Default 20. Max 200. |
fingerprint | The fingerprint of the last transaction returned by the previous page. | |
order_by | Sorts the results of the query. Example: order_by=timestamp, desc | |
min_timestamp | The minimum transaction timestamp. | default 0 |
max_timestamp | The maximum transaction timestamp. | default now |
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the assets on the TRON platform. | N/A |
Parameter | Description | Value |
order_by | Sorts the results. | Accepted fields: id name total_supply start_time end_time |
tronGrid.asset.get(assetIdentifier, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns an asset identified by either the owner address or its own ID. | /wallet/getassetissuebyaccount /wallet/getassetissuebyid |
tronGrid.asset.getList(assetName, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the assets with name assetName | /wallet/getassetissuelistbyname /wallet/getassetissuelist |
Parameter | Description | Value |
limit | The requested number of assets per page. | Default 20. Max 200. |
fingerprint | The fingerprint of the last asset returned by the previous page. When there is a pagination, the minimum limit is set to 20. | |
order_by | Sorts the results of the query. | Accepted fields: id name total_supply start_time end_time Example: order_by=start_time,desc (starts from the most recent ICO) order_by=id,asc (starts from the oldest) |
only_confirmed | Shows only the situation at latest confirmed block. | true | false (default: false) |
tronGrid.block.getEvents(identifier, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the events of a specific block. The identifier can be either latest or a block number. | N/A |
tronGrid.contract.getEvents(contractAddress, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the events emitted by a smart contract. | N/A |
Parameter | Description | Value |
only_confirmed | Shows only confirmed. | |
only_unconfirmed | Shows only unconfirmed. | |
event_name | The name of the event. | |
block_number | The block number for which the events are required. | |
min_timestamp | The minimum block timestamp. | |
max_timestamp | The maximum block timestamp. | |
order_by | Sorts the events. | Accepted values: timestamp, asc timestamp, desc (Default) |
limit | For pagination. | Default 20 Max 200 |
fingerprint | The fingerprint of the last event retrieved in the page. |
tronGrid.transaction.getEvents(id, options)
Description | Substitutes |
Returns all the events emitted in the transaction specified by id | N/A |
Responses & Pagination
Any API will return a response with a success property, a data array, and a meta object. For example, await tronGrid.asset.getAll()
will return something like:
"success": true,
"data": [
"confirmed": true,
"id": "1002225",
"abbr": "DbDsgVP3GRh",
"description": "KEYS unlock Cryptocurrency. Keys are a digital asset designed to work as medium of exchange.",
"frozen_supply": [
"frozen_days": 730,
"frozen_amount": 75926666666
"name": "KEYS",
"num": 22778,
"precision": 0,
"total_supply": 227780000000,
"trx_num": 22778,
"url": "",
"vote_score": 0,
"owner_address": "4149b3dad5ef9dbab6a059fc95159efcecd5db910e",
"start_time": 1553538720706,
"end_time": 1553538960706
"meta": {
"total": 2,
"at": 1553548776704,
"fingerprint": "8xuwf4jd2dpoSms5KzLhxY9fmCm9oJA5164Qd7T2SexRSHYCwvRAr2zJGtwJceEcGWz",
As you can see, in the meta fields, there is the fingerprint you must pass to next request as an option in order to get next page.
Regular Use
Install TronWeb
npm install tronweb
Initialize TronWeb and create a TronGridJS instance
const TronGrid = require('trongrid');
const TronWeb = require('tronweb');
const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
fullHost: ''
const tronGrid = new TronGrid(tronWeb);
const TronGrid = require('trongrid');
const TronWeb = require('tronweb');
const tronWeb = new TronWeb({
fullHost: ''
const tronGrid = new TronGrid(tronWeb);
tronGrid.setExperimental('your experimental key');
async function getAccount() {
const address = 'TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY';
const options = {
Show_assets: true,
only_confirmed: true,
// awaiting
const account = await tronGrid.account.get(address, options);
// promise
tronGrid.account.get(address, options).then(account => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
// callback
tronGrid.account.get(address, options, (err, account) => {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
async function getTransactions() {
const address = 'TPL66VK2gCXNCD7EJg9pgJRfqcRazjhUZY';
const options = {
only_to: true,
only_confirmed: true,
limit: 100,
order_by: 'timestamp,asc',
min_timestamp: - 60000 // from a minute ago to go on
// awaiting
const transactions = await tronGrid.account.getTransactions(address, options);
// promise
tronGrid.account.getTransactions(address, options).then(transactions => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
// callback
tronGrid.account.getTransactions(address, options, (err, transactions) => {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
async function getAssets() {
const address = 'TXk39yyhzpfbqtU1BATUzpcfQ37L8Tc4Ht';
const options = {};
// awaiting
const assets = await tronGrid.asset.get(address);
// promise
tronGrid.asset.get(address, options).then(assets => {
}).catch(err => console.error(err));
// callback
tronGrid.asset.get(address, options, (err, assets) => {
if (err)
return console.error(err);
You can plug TronGrid in TronWeb to substitute the standard method tronWeb.trx.getTransactionRelated(...)
with a method that calls internally tronGrid.account.getTransactions(...)
To use it, the user must register TronGrid as a plugin:
It may sometimes be necessary to pass some options to the plugin interface. Looking at the test in test/unit/plugin.test.js
, you can register the plugin as:
let result = tronWeb.plugin.register(GetNowBlock, {
someParameter: 'some value'
For the MVP, the experimental access code can be passed as an option to the plugin:
tronWeb.plugin.register(TronGrid, {experimental: ... });
After registering the plugin, call:
await tronWeb.trx.getTransactionsFromAddress(address);
await tronWeb.trx.getTransactionsToAddress(address);
will return results from TronGrid under the hood.
Updated almost 6 years ago