TRC20 Event Listener
Use tronweb's watch method to listen to events emitted by the smart contract method. You can set a callback function to handle the event. When the event occurs, the callback function will be triggered. The following example listens to the Transfer event of the TRC20 contract.
Tronweb Example:
const privateKey = "...";
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";
var address = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR";
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use watch to listen for events emitted by a smart contract method. You can define functions to be executed when certain events are caught.
let tx = contract.transfer("TVDGpn4hCSzJ5nkHPLetk8KQBtwaTppnkr", 1000000).send().then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
await contract && contract.Transfer().watch((err, event) => {
return console.error('Error with "Message" event:', err);'New event received');
console.log('- Contract Address:', event.contract);
console.log('- Event Name:',;
console.log('- Transaction:', event.transaction);
console.log('- Block number:', event.block);
console.log('- Result:', event.result, '\n');
Updated about 5 years ago