TronBox Command Line

This section will describe every command available in the TronBox application.


All commands are in the following form:

tronbox <command> [options]

Passing no arguments is equivalent to tronbox help, which will display all commands and then exit.




tronbox build


Compile source files of smart contracts.

tronbox compile [--all] [--quiet]

Only contracts that have changed since the last compilation will be compiled if there is no –all.

  • --all: Compile all contracts instead of only the contracts that have changed since the last compilation.
  • --quiet: Suppress all compilation output.

Run a console

Run a console with contract abstractions and commands available.

tronbox console [--network <name>] [--verbose-rpc]

An interface that interacts with contracts via the command line. In addition, many TronBox commands can be used in the console (without the tronbox prefix).

  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use. The network name must exist in the configuration.


An alias for migrate. Please see Contract Deployment(Migrations).


Display a list of all commands.

tronbox help


Initialize a new (empty) TronBox project.

tronbox init

Create a new, empty TronBox project in the current working directory.


Run migration files to deploy contracts.

tronbox migrate [--reset] [--f <number>] [--to <number>] [--network <name>] [--compile-all]

This will run from the last completed migration unless otherwise specified. For more information, please see Contract Deployment(Migrations).

  • --reset: Run all migrations from the beginning, instead of running from the last completed migration.
  • --f <number>: Run contracts from a specific migration. The number refers to the prefix of the migration file.
  • --to <number>: Run contracts to a specific migration. The number refers to the prefix of the migration file.
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use. The network name must exist in the configuration.
  • --compile-all: Compile all contracts, instead of intelligently choosing the contracts that need to be compiled.


Build a directory as the root directory of the local server. Start the service and watch for changes.

tronbox serve


Run JavaScript tests.

tronbox test [<test_file>] [--network <name>]

Run all or some test files in the test/ directory as specified. For more information, please see Test Your Contracts .

  • <test_file>: The name of the test file to be run. Include the path information if the file does not exist in the current directory.
  • --network <name>: Specify the network to use. The network name must exist in the configuration.


Download a TronBox Box, which is a pre-built TronBox project.

tronbox unbox <box_name>

Download a TronBox Box to the current working directory.

  • <box_name>: The name of the TronBox Box (required).


Display the version number and then exit.

tronbox version


Watch the filesystem for changes and rebuild the project automatically.

tronbox watch

This command will initiate a watch for changes to contracts, the application, and configuration files. It will rebuild the application as necessary when there is a change.

  Warning: This command is not recommended. Please use external tools to watch for filesystem changes and rerun tests.


The built-in flatten task lets you combine the source code of multiple Solidity files.

tronbox flatten <file_path>


  • <file_path>: The path to the file that needs flatten (must be required)
   Note:this function requires TronBox V3.3.0 or later.