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tronWeb.trx.multiSign(transaction, privateKey, permissionId)

Input Parameters

ParameterDescriptionData Type
transactionThe transaction JSON objectJSON
privateKeyThe signer's private keyString
permissionIdSpecifies which permission to use. Default is 0, which is the owner permission.Integer32

The parameter permissionId designates the permission type, with Owner ID = 0, Witness ID = 1, and the Active ID incremented from 2 onwards. When the contract is executed, the ID is used to specify which permission to use. For details on Java-Tron permissionId, please refer to the Multi-Signature guide.

Note that since permissionId can also be specified when creating a transaction, if permission is specified when creating a transaction, then only when the permissionId specified by multiSign is not 0, the permissionId of the transaction will be overwritten.



The transaction ID changes every time during signing since the permission ID is hashed with the original transaction ID.


const tradeobj = await tronWeb.transactionBuilder.freezeBalance(tronWeb.toSun(100), 3, "ENERGY", "415d73f56d93a9380a100d2a340dd30dc3df6e0746", "415d73f56d93a9380a100d2a340dd30dc3df6e0746", 0);
const signedtxn = await tronWeb.trx.multiSign(tradeobj, privateKey,0);
  "txID": "0502452a4d60e10624168e4dfbd30f549619c1a4231a5f1b23b2fdee7271122f",
  "raw_data": {
    "contract": [
        "parameter": {
          "value": {
            "frozen_duration": 3,
            "frozen_balance": 100000000,
            "owner_address": "415d73f56d93a9380a100d2a340dd30dc3df6e0746"
          "type_url": "type.googleapis.com/protocol.FreezeBalanceContract"
        "type": "FreezeBalanceContract",
        "Permission_id": 0
    "ref_block_bytes": "0029",
    "ref_block_hash": "085b2efaf56ed4ab",
    "expiration": 1555112526000,
    "timestamp": 1555112466675
  "raw_data_hex": "0a0200292208085b2efaf56ed4ab40b081b89fa12d5a58080b12540a32747970652e676f6f676c65617069732e636f6d2f70726f746f636f6c2e467265657a6542616c616e6365436f6e7472616374121e0a15415d73f56d93a9380a100d2a340dd30dc3df6e07461080c2d72f180370f3b1b49fa12d",
  "signature": [