
Obtain the address and private key according to the provided mnemonic


// Call directly

// Called via the instantiated tronWeb object


ParameterDescriptionData Type
mnemonicmnemonic. Separate each mnemonic with a space.String
pathBIP44 path, optional parameter. If you want to get an account other than index 0, you need to fill in this parameter, and the complete path is required.String
wordlistLanguage type, optional parameter. If the incoming mnemonic is not english(en), you need to fill in the corresponding language type through this parameter, such as zh, ja, it, ...String


Object - Returns the obtained account information, including mnemonic, public key, and private key. If the entered BIP44 path does not start with m/44'/195', throw an exception - Error: Invalid tron path provided.


Example 1

>tronWeb.fromMnemonic( 'patch left empty genuine rain normal syrup yellow consider moon stock denial')
  mnemonic: {
    phrase: 'patch left empty genuine rain normal syrup yellow consider moon stock denial',
    path: "m/44'/195'/0'/0/0",
    locale: 'en'
  privateKey: '0x0f9148e9be0c5b0213607a6491603891241ec7aa204918018dba691e4269ffe7',
  publicKey: '0x04642b796ba0acf06233e65695b977d28d2cae90fabd70dc0a300a831866b8f46ce5ee0ffa832492ce1b55a6c90463b2a31a03729b212281f6531558145b634ee0',
  address: 'TPiD26cc1vptLxwYmw4waHTPCNgqtZ5SCX'

Example 2

>tronWeb.fromMnemonic( 'patch left empty genuine rain normal syrup yellow consider moon stock denial',"m/44'/195'/0'/0/1")
  mnemonic: {
    phrase: 'patch left empty genuine rain normal syrup yellow consider moon stock denial',
    path: "m/44'/195'/0'/0/1",
    locale: 'en'
  privateKey: '0x5f3ecfca6e51dc70d58bca89d9b8fcb60cf193e0d8943af62311136c3e6504a0',
  publicKey: '0x04df45411faa27c933e10c83305da6f15138a018d2b539d8d4155a7e15f2552f9de3c6a7993e3814b4022a673faa70ad137bcc65857fc40cc0d59218ce28002361',
  address: 'TXzMaz1QU4jKLctDu2QibrWvPtogtYHdW7'