Trident allows you to deploy a smart contract using its ABI and bytecode. The deployment process consists of two steps:
1. Compile Smart Contract
First, compile your Solidity contract to get the bytecode and ABI. You can use:
Solidity Compiler
$ solc <contract>.sol --bin --abi --optimize -o <output-dir>/
This generates two files:
: Contains the bytecode<contract>.abi
: Contains the ABI definition
Online Tools
You can also use online tools, for example, TRON IDE.
2. Deploy Smart Contract
Once you have the bytecode and ABI, deploy the contract using Trident:
Deploy a contract without Constructor Parameters
// Deploy contract
TransactionExtention txn = client.deployContract(
"MyContract", // Contract name
abiStr, // Contract ABI string
bytecode, // Contract bytecode
null, // Constructor parameters (if any)
100_000_000L, // Fee limit (100 TRX)
100L, // Consume user resource percent (0-100)
10_000_000L, // Origin energy limit
0L, // Call value (amount of TRX to send)
"", // Token ID (for TRC10 token, empty if not used)
0L // Token value (for TRC10 token)
// Sign and broadcast
Transaction signedTxn = client.signTransaction(txn);
String txid = client.broadcastTransaction(signedTxn);
Deploy a contract with Constructor Parameters
If your contract has a constructor with parameters:
// Sample contract
contract Test {
uint256 public param;
constructor(uint256 p) {
param = p;
You need to provide the constructor parameters:
// Prepare constructor parameters
List<Type<?>> params = Arrays.asList(new Uint256(15)); // Initial value for param
// Deploy with parameters
TransactionExtention txn = client.deployContract(
"MyContract", // Contract name
abiStr, // Contract ABI string
bytecode, // Contract bytecode
params, // Constructor parameters
100_000_000L, // Fee limit (100 TRX)
100L, // Consume user resource percent (0-100)
10_000_000L, // Origin energy limit
0L, // Call value (amount of TRX to send)
"", // Token ID (for TRC10 token)
0L // Token value (for TRC10 token)
- Make sure not to send TRX (call value) to a non-payable constructor
- For TRC10 token operations, provide the token ID and value