TRC20 Contract Interaction
Take the USDT contract as an example,Use tronweb and wallet-cli to call the TRC20 interface of the contract, respectively.
Call the name function to get the name of the token.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use call to execute a pure or view smart contract method. These methods do not modify the blockchain, do not cost anything to execute and are also not broadcasted to the network.
let result = await;
console.log('result: ', result);
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK name() # false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Call the symbol function to get the symbol of the token.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use call to execute a pure or view smart contract method. These methods do not modify the blockchain, do not cost anything to execute and are also not broadcasted to the network.
let result = await contract.symbol().call();
console.log('result: ', result);
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK symbol() # false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Call the decimals function to get the precision of the token.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use call to execute a pure or view smart contract method. These methods do not modify the blockchain, do not cost anything to execute and are also not broadcasted to the network.
let result = await contract.decimals().call();
console.log('result: ', result);
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK decimals() # false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Call the totalSupply function to get the total supply of the token.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use call to execute a pure or view smart contract method. These methods do not modify the blockchain, do not cost anything to execute and are also not broadcasted to the network.
let result = await contract.totalSupply().call();
console.log('result: ', result);
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK totalSupply() # false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Call the balanceOf function to get the token balance of the specified account.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
var address = "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBe...";
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use call to execute a pure or view smart contract method. These methods do not modify the blockchain, do not cost anything to execute and are also not broadcasted to the network.
let result = await contract.balanceOf(address).call();
console.log('result: ', result);
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK balanceOf(address) "TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9iyR" false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Call transfer function for token transfer
Description: Trigger smart contract
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Note: After calling this HTTP API, you also need to call the signature and broadcast APIs.
Tronweb Example:
const privateKey = "...";
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use send to execute a non-pure or modify smart contract method on a given smart contract that modify or change values on the blockchain. These methods consume resources(bandwidth and energy) to perform as the changes need to be broadcasted out to the network.
await contract.transfer(
"TVDGp...", //address _to
1000000 //amount
feeLimit = 1000000
}).then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK transfer(address,uint256) "TBQDyqoJ2ZJHTRDsrGQasyqBm4nUVLbWee",100 false 100000000 0 0 #
Usage :
TriggerContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex] [fee_limit] [value] [token_value] [token_id]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
fee_limit: the maximum trx consumption of this calling, the unit is sun
value: the amount of TRX that transfered to the contract while calling the contract, the unit is sun
token_value: the amount of TRC10 asset that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
token_id:the TRC10 asset ID that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
Transaction confirmation:
Check whether the transfer of TRC20 was successful according to result of getTransactionInfoById.
Call the approve function to authorize token use rights to other addresses
Description: Trigger smart contract
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Note: After calling this HTTP API, you also need to call the signature and broadcast APIs.
Tronweb Example:
//User A allows user B to use 10USDT of A: A calls approve (B,10)
const privateKey = "...";
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use send to execute a non-pure or modify smart contract method on a given smart contract that modify or change values on the blockchain. These methods consume resources(bandwidth and energy) to perform as the changes need to be broadcasted out to the network.
await contract.approve(
"TA1g2WQiXbU...", //address _spender
10000000 //amount
feeLimit = 100000000
}).then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK approve(address,uint256) "TBQDyqoJ2ZJHTRDsrGQasyqBm4nUVLbWee",100 false 100000000 0 0 #
Usage :
TriggerContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex] [fee_limit] [value] [token_value] [token_id]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
fee_limit: the maximum trx consumption of this calling, the unit is sun
value: the amount of TRX that transfered to the contract while calling the contract, the unit is sun
token_value: the amount of TRC10 asset that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
token_id:the TRC10 asset ID that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
Transaction confirmation:
Check whether the transfer of TRC20 was successful according to result of getTransactionInfoById.
Calling the transferFrom function to transfer tokens from other people's accounts, needs to be used in conjunction with the approve method.
Description: Trigger smart contract
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Note: After calling this HTTP API, you also need to call the signature and broadcast APIs.
Tronweb Example:
// Address B transfers 10 USDT from address A to C: B calls transferFrom (A, C, 10)
const privateKey = "...";
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK";//contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use send to execute a non-pure or modify smart contract method on a given smart contract that modify or change values on the blockchain. These methods consume resources(bandwidth and energy) to perform as the changes need to be broadcasted out to the network.
await contract.transferFrom(
"TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBej...", //address _from
"TVDGpn4hCSzJ5nkHPLetk8KQBtwaT...", //address _to
100000 //amount
feeLimit = 10000000
}).then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK transferFrom(address,address,uint256) "TApuyuazZnGgxvbNbaGcrUijEFn1oidsAH","TBQDyqoJ2ZJHTRDsrGQasyqBm4nUVLbWee",50 false 100000000 0 0 #
Usage :
TriggerContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex] [fee_limit] [value] [token_value] [token_id]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
fee_limit: the maximum trx consumption of this calling, the unit is sun
value: the amount of TRX that transfered to the contract while calling the contract, the unit is sun
token_value: the amount of TRC10 asset that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
token_id:the TRC10 asset ID that transfered to the contract while calling the contract
Transaction confirmation:
Check whether the transfer of TRC20 was successful according to result of getTransactionInfoById.
Call the allowance function to query the token balance of the query account available for third-party transfers.
Description: Trigger the constant of the smart contract, the transaction is off the blockchain
demo: curl -X POST -d '{
Tronweb Example:
//Query the USDT balance that Account A can use for Account B: Account B calls allowance (A, B)
const privateKey = "...";
const trc20ContractAddress = "TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK"; //contract address
let contract = await tronWeb.contract().at(trc20ContractAddress);
//Use send to execute a non-pure or modify smart contract method on a given smart contract that modify or change values on the blockchain. These methods consume resources(bandwidth and energy) to perform as the changes need to be broadcasted out to the network.
await contract.allowance(
"TM2TmqauSEiRf16CyFgzHV2BVxBejY9...", //address _owner
"TA1g2WQiXbU5GnYBTJ5Cp22dvSjT3ug..." //address _spender
).call().then(output => {console.log('- Output:', output, '\n');});
Wallet-cli Example:
TriggerConstantContract TQQg4EL8o1BSeKJY4MJ8TB8XK7xufxFBvK allowance(address,address) "TApuyuazZnGgxvbNbaGcrUijEFn1oidsAH","TQmDzierQxEFJm1dT5YXnTXqVAfdN9HtXj" false
Usage : TriggerConstantContract [ownerAddress] [contractAddress] [method] [args] [isHex]
Parameter Description:
ownerAddress: calller address
contractAdress:TRC20 contract address
method: contract function
args:function parameters,If there is no parameter,use # placeholder
isHex: whether the address of the command parameter is in hex format
Updated about 5 years ago