Implement A Customized Actuator
Customized SumActuator
Having a tailored actuator is key to building a java-tron-based customized public chain. This article illustrates how to develop a java-tron-based SumActuator
Actuator module is divided into 4 different methods that are defined in the Actuator
: execute specific actions of transactions, such as state modification, communication between modules, logic execution, etc.validate
: define the validation logic of transactions.getOwnerAddress
: acquire the address of transaction initiator.calcFee
: define the logic for calculating transaction fees.
Define and register the contract
Currently, contracts supported by java-tron are defined under src/main/protos/core/contract
directory in protocol module. First creating a math_contract.proto
file under this directory and declaring SumContract
. You can also implement any mathematical calculation you want, such as Subtraction
The logic for SumContract
is the summation of two numerical values:
syntax = "proto3";
package protocol;
option java_package = "org.tron.protos.contract"; //Specify the name of the package that generated the Java file
option go_package = "";
message SumContract {
int64 param1 = 1;
int64 param2 = 2;
bytes owner_address = 3;
Meanwhile, register the new contract type in Transaction.Contract.ContractType
emuneration within the src/main/protos/core/Tron.proto file
. Important data structures, such as transactions, accounts and blocks, are defined in the Tron.proto
message Transaction {
message Contract {
enum ContractType {
AccountCreateContract = 0;
TransferContract = 1;
SumContract = 52;
Then register a function to ensure that gRPC can receive and identify the requests of this contract. Currently, gRPC protocols are all defined in src/main/protos/api/api.proto
. To add an InvokeSum
interface in Wallet Service:
service Wallet {
rpc InvokeSum (SumContract) returns (Transaction) {
option (google.api.http) = {
post: "/wallet/invokesum"
body: "*"
additional_bindings {
get: "/wallet/invokesum"
At last, recompile the modified proto files. Compiling the java-tron project directly will compile the proto files as well, protoc
command is also supported.
Currently, java-tron uses protoc v3.4.0. Please keep the same version when compiling by protoc
# recommended
./gradlew build -x test
# or build via protoc
protoc -I=src/main/protos -I=src/main/protos/core --java_out=src/main/java Tron.proto
protoc -I=src/main/protos/core/contract --java_out=src/main/java math_contract.proto
protoc -I=src/main/protos/api -I=src/main/protos/core -I=src/main/protos --java_out=src/main/java api.proto
After compilation, the corresponding .class under the java_out directory will be updated.
Implement SumActuator
For now, the default Actuator supported by java-tron is located in org.tron.core.actuator
. Creating SumActuator
under this directory:
public class SumActuator extends AbstractActuator {
public SumActuator() {
super(ContractType.SumContract, SumContract.class);
* define the contract logic in this method
* e.g.: do some calculate / transfer asset / trigger a contract / or something else
* SumActuator is just sum(param1+param2) and put the result into logs.
* also a new chainbase can be created to store the generated data(how to create a chainbase will be revealed in future.)
* @param object instanceof(TransactionResultCapsule), store the result of contract
public boolean execute(Object object) throws ContractExeException {
TransactionResultCapsule ret = (TransactionResultCapsule) object;
if (Objects.isNull(ret)) {
throw new RuntimeException("TransactionResultCapsule is null");
long fee = calcFee();
try {
SumContract sumContract = any.unpack(SumContract.class);
long param1 = sumContract.getParam1();
long param2 = sumContract.getParam2();
long sum = param1 + param2;"\n\n" +
"-------------------------------------------------\n" +
"|\n" +
"| SumActuator: param1 = %d, param2 = %d, sum = %d\n" +
"|\n" +
param1, param2, sum));
ret.setStatus(fee, code.SUCESS);
} catch (ArithmeticException | InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
ret.setStatus(fee, code.FAILED);
throw new ContractExeException(e.getMessage());
return true;
* define the rule to validate the contract
* this demo first checks whether contract is null, then checks whether ${any} is a instanceof SumContract,
* then validates the ownerAddress, finally checks params are not less than 0.
public boolean validate() throws ContractValidateException {
if (this.any == null) {
throw new ContractValidateException("No contract!");
final SumContract sumContract;
try {
sumContract = any.unpack(SumContract.class);
} catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
throw new ContractValidateException(e.getMessage());
byte[] ownerAddress = sumContract.getOwnerAddress().toByteArray();
if (!DecodeUtil.addressValid(ownerAddress)) {
throw new ContractValidateException("Invalid ownerAddress!");
long param1 = sumContract.getParam1();
long param2 = sumContract.getParam2();
if(param1 < 0 || param2 < 0){
logger.debug("negative number is not supported");
return false;
return true;
* this method returns the ownerAddress
* @return
* @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException
public ByteString getOwnerAddress() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
return any.unpack(SumContract.class).getOwnerAddress();
* burning fee for a contract can reduce attacks like DDoS.
* choose the best strategy according to the business logic
* here return a contant just for demo
* @return
public long calcFee() {
For simplicity, the above implementation prints the output of SumActuator directly to a log file. If there is any information that need to be stored, consider creating a new chainbase to store the data (guidance on how to create a chainbase will be revealed soon).
As SumActuator
finished, invokeSum(MathContract.SumContract req, StreamObserver<Transaction> responseObserver)
function in RpcApiService's sub-class WalletApi
need to be implemented to receive and process SumContract
public class WalletApi extends WalletImplBase {
public void invokeSum(MathContract.SumContract req, StreamObserver<Transaction> responseObserver){
try {
createTransactionCapsule(req, ContractType.SumContract).getInstance());
} catch (ContractValidateException e) {
logger.debug(CONTRACT_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage());
Validate SumActuator
At last, run a test class to validate whether the above steps are correct:
public class SumActuatorTest {
private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Test");
private String serviceNode = "";
private String confFile = "config-localtest.conf";
private String dbPath = "output-directory";
private TronApplicationContext context;
private Application appTest;
private ManagedChannel channelFull = null;
private WalletGrpc.WalletBlockingStub blockingStubFull = null;
* init the application.
public void init() {
CommonParameter argsTest = Args.getInstance();
Args.setParam(new String[]{"--output-directory", dbPath},
context = new TronApplicationContext(DefaultConfig.class);
RpcApiService rpcApiService = context.getBean(RpcApiService.class);
appTest = ApplicationFactory.create(context);
channelFull = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(serviceNode)
blockingStubFull = WalletGrpc.newBlockingStub(channelFull);
* destroy the context.
public void destroy() throws InterruptedException {
if (channelFull != null) {
channelFull.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
FileUtil.deleteDir(new File(dbPath));
public void sumActuatorTest() {
// this key is defined in config-localtest.conf as accountName=Sun
String key = "cba92a516ea09f620a16ff7ee95ce0df1d56550a8babe9964981a7144c8a784a";
byte[] address = PublicMethed.getFinalAddress(key);
ECKey ecKey = null;
try {
BigInteger priK = new BigInteger(key, 16);
ecKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(priK);
} catch (Exception ex) {
// build contract
MathContract.SumContract.Builder builder = MathContract.SumContract.newBuilder();
MathContract.SumContract contract =;
// send contract and return transaction
Protocol.Transaction transaction = blockingStubFull.invokeSum(contract);
// sign trx
transaction = signTransaction(ecKey, transaction);
// broadcast transaction
GrpcAPI.Return response = blockingStubFull.broadcastTransaction(transaction);
private Protocol.Transaction signTransaction(ECKey ecKey, Protocol.Transaction transaction) {
if (ecKey == null || ecKey.getPrivKey() == null) {
logger.warn("Warning: Can't sign,there is no private key !!");
return null;
transaction = TransactionUtils.setTimestamp(transaction);
return TransactionUtils.sign(transaction, ecKey);
Running SumActuatorTest and the log will print outputs like this: SumActuator: param1 = 1, param2 = 2, sum = 3
. Here is the output:
INFO [o.r.Reflections] Reflections took 420 ms to scan 9 urls, producing 381 keys and 2047 values
INFO [discover] homeNode : Node{ host='', port=6666, id=1d4bbab782f4021586b4dd202da2d8438a10297ade13b1e33c3e83354a7cfaf608dfe23677757921c38068a4baf3ce6a9deedaa243696f8441f683246a7083}
INFO [net] start the PeerConnectionCheckService
INFO [API] RpcApiService has started, listening on 50051
INFO [net] Node config, trust 0, active 0, forward 0.
INFO [discover] Discovery server started, bind port 6666
INFO [net] Fast forward config, isWitness: false, keySize: 1, fastForwardNodes: 0
INFO [net] TronNetService start successfully.
INFO [net] TCP listener started, bind port 6666
INFO [Configuration] user defined config file doesn't exists, use default config file in jar
INFO [actuator]
| SumActuator: param1 = 1, param2 = 2, sum = 3
At this point, SumActuator is finished. It is a simple case. In real business scenarios, there are much extra work to do, such as wallet-cli supportation or customizing a chainbase for storing data.
Updated almost 5 years ago