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Implement A Customized Actuator

Customized SumActuator
Having a tailored actuator is key to building a java-tron-based customized public chain. This article illustrates how to develop a java-tron-based SumActuator.

Actuator module is divided into 4 different methods that are defined in the Actuator interface:

  1. execute: execute specific actions of transactions, such as state modification, communication between modules, logic execution, etc.
  2. validate: define the validation logic of transactions.
  3. getOwnerAddress: acquire the address of transaction initiator.
  4. calcFee: define the logic for calculating transaction fees.

Define and register the contract

Currently, contracts supported by java-tron are defined under src/main/protos/core/contract directory in protocol module. First creating a math_contract.proto file under this directory and declaring SumContract. You can also implement any mathematical calculation you want, such as Subtraction.

The logic for SumContract is the summation of two numerical values:

syntax = "proto3";
package protocol;
option java_package = "org.tron.protos.contract"; //Specify the name of the package that generated the Java file
option go_package = "github.com/tronprotocol/grpc-gateway/core";
message SumContract {
    int64 param1 = 1;
    int64 param2 = 2;
    bytes owner_address = 3;

Meanwhile, register the new contract type in Transaction.Contract.ContractType emuneration within the src/main/protos/core/Tron.proto file. Important data structures, such as transactions, accounts and blocks, are defined in the Tron.proto file:

message Transaction {
  message Contract {
    enum ContractType {
      AccountCreateContract = 0;
      TransferContract = 1;
      SumContract = 52;  

Then register a function to ensure that gRPC can receive and identify the requests of this contract. Currently, gRPC protocols are all defined in src/main/protos/api/api.proto. To add an InvokeSum interface in Wallet Service:

service Wallet {
  rpc InvokeSum (SumContract) returns (Transaction) {
    option (google.api.http) = {
      post: "/wallet/invokesum"
      body: "*"
      additional_bindings {
        get: "/wallet/invokesum"

At last, recompile the modified proto files. Compiling the java-tron project directly will compile the proto files as well, protoc command is also supported.

Currently, java-tron uses protoc v3.4.0. Please keep the same version when compiling by protoc command.

# recommended
./gradlew build -x test

# or build via protoc
protoc -I=src/main/protos -I=src/main/protos/core --java_out=src/main/java  Tron.proto
protoc -I=src/main/protos/core/contract --java_out=src/main/java  math_contract.proto
protoc -I=src/main/protos/api -I=src/main/protos/core -I=src/main/protos  --java_out=src/main/java api.proto

After compilation, the corresponding .class under the java_out directory will be updated.

Implement SumActuator

For now, the default Actuator supported by java-tron is located in org.tron.core.actuator. Creating SumActuator under this directory:

public class SumActuator extends AbstractActuator {

  public SumActuator() {
    super(ContractType.SumContract, SumContract.class);

   * define the contract logic in this method
   * e.g.: do some calculate / transfer asset / trigger a contract / or something else
   * SumActuator is just sum(param1+param2) and put the result into logs.
   * also a new chainbase can be created to store the generated data(how to create a chainbase will be revealed in future.)
   * @param object instanceof(TransactionResultCapsule), store the result of contract
  public boolean execute(Object object) throws ContractExeException {
    TransactionResultCapsule ret = (TransactionResultCapsule) object;
    if (Objects.isNull(ret)) {
      throw new RuntimeException("TransactionResultCapsule is null");

    long fee = calcFee();
    try {
      SumContract sumContract = any.unpack(SumContract.class);
      long param1 = sumContract.getParam1();
      long param2 = sumContract.getParam2();
      long sum = param1 + param2;

      logger.info(String.format("\n\n" +
                      "-------------------------------------------------\n" +
                      "|\n" +
                      "| SumActuator: param1 = %d, param2 = %d, sum = %d\n" +
                      "|\n" +
              param1, param2, sum));
      ret.setStatus(fee, code.SUCESS);
    } catch (ArithmeticException | InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
      logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
      ret.setStatus(fee, code.FAILED);
      throw new ContractExeException(e.getMessage());
    return true;

   * define the rule to validate the contract
   * this demo first checks whether contract is null, then checks whether ${any} is a instanceof SumContract,
   * then validates the ownerAddress, finally checks params are not less than 0.
  public boolean validate() throws ContractValidateException {
    if (this.any == null) {
      throw new ContractValidateException("No contract!");
    final SumContract sumContract;
    try {
      sumContract = any.unpack(SumContract.class);
    } catch (InvalidProtocolBufferException e) {
      logger.debug(e.getMessage(), e);
      throw new ContractValidateException(e.getMessage());
    byte[] ownerAddress = sumContract.getOwnerAddress().toByteArray();
    if (!DecodeUtil.addressValid(ownerAddress)) {
      throw new ContractValidateException("Invalid ownerAddress!");
    long param1 = sumContract.getParam1();
    long param2 = sumContract.getParam2();
    if(param1 < 0 || param2 < 0){
      logger.debug("negative number is not supported");
      return false;
    return true;

   * this method returns the ownerAddress
   * @return
   * @throws InvalidProtocolBufferException
  public ByteString getOwnerAddress() throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    return any.unpack(SumContract.class).getOwnerAddress();

   * burning fee for a contract can reduce attacks like DDoS.
   * choose the best strategy according to the business logic
   * here return a contant just for demo
   * @return
  public long calcFee() {
    return TRANSFER_FEE;

For simplicity, the above implementation prints the output of SumActuator directly to a log file. If there is any information that need to be stored, consider creating a new chainbase to store the data (guidance on how to create a chainbase will be revealed soon).

As SumActuator finished, invokeSum(MathContract.SumContract req, StreamObserver<Transaction> responseObserver) function in RpcApiService's sub-class WalletApi need to be implemented to receive and process SumContract.

public class WalletApi extends WalletImplBase {
  public void invokeSum(MathContract.SumContract req, StreamObserver<Transaction> responseObserver){
    try {
                      createTransactionCapsule(req, ContractType.SumContract).getInstance());
    } catch (ContractValidateException e) {
      logger.debug(CONTRACT_VALIDATE_EXCEPTION, e.getMessage());

Validate SumActuator

At last, run a test class to validate whether the above steps are correct:

public class SumActuatorTest {
  private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger("Test");
  private String serviceNode = "";
  private String confFile = "config-localtest.conf";
  private String dbPath = "output-directory";
  private TronApplicationContext context;
  private Application appTest;
  private ManagedChannel channelFull = null;
  private WalletGrpc.WalletBlockingStub blockingStubFull = null;

   * init the application.
  public void init() {
    CommonParameter argsTest = Args.getInstance();
    Args.setParam(new String[]{"--output-directory", dbPath},
    context = new TronApplicationContext(DefaultConfig.class);
    RpcApiService rpcApiService = context.getBean(RpcApiService.class);
    appTest = ApplicationFactory.create(context);
    channelFull = ManagedChannelBuilder.forTarget(serviceNode)
    blockingStubFull = WalletGrpc.newBlockingStub(channelFull);

   * destroy the context.
  public void destroy() throws InterruptedException {
    if (channelFull != null) {
      channelFull.shutdown().awaitTermination(5, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    FileUtil.deleteDir(new File(dbPath));

  public void sumActuatorTest() {
    // this key is defined in config-localtest.conf as accountName=Sun
    String key = "cba92a516ea09f620a16ff7ee95ce0df1d56550a8babe9964981a7144c8a784a";
    byte[] address = PublicMethed.getFinalAddress(key);
    ECKey ecKey = null;
    try {
      BigInteger priK = new BigInteger(key, 16);
      ecKey = ECKey.fromPrivate(priK);
    } catch (Exception ex) {

    // build contract
    MathContract.SumContract.Builder builder = MathContract.SumContract.newBuilder();
    MathContract.SumContract contract = builder.build();

    // send contract and return transaction
    Protocol.Transaction transaction = blockingStubFull.invokeSum(contract);
    // sign trx
    transaction = signTransaction(ecKey, transaction);
    // broadcast transaction
    GrpcAPI.Return response = blockingStubFull.broadcastTransaction(transaction);

  private Protocol.Transaction signTransaction(ECKey ecKey, Protocol.Transaction transaction) {
    if (ecKey == null || ecKey.getPrivKey() == null) {
      logger.warn("Warning: Can't sign,there is no private key !!");
      return null;
    transaction = TransactionUtils.setTimestamp(transaction);
    return TransactionUtils.sign(transaction, ecKey);

Running SumActuatorTest and the log will print outputs like this: SumActuator: param1 = 1, param2 = 2, sum = 3. Here is the output:

INFO [o.r.Reflections] Reflections took 420 ms to scan 9 urls, producing 381 keys and 2047 values 
INFO [discover] homeNode : Node{ host='', port=6666, id=1d4bbab782f4021586b4dd202da2d8438a10297ade13b1e33c3e83354a7cfaf608dfe23677757921c38068a4baf3ce6a9deedaa243696f8441f683246a7083}
INFO [net] start the PeerConnectionCheckService
INFO [API] RpcApiService has started, listening on 50051
INFO [net] Node config, trust 0, active 0, forward 0.
INFO [discover] Discovery server started, bind port 6666
INFO [net] Fast forward config, isWitness: false, keySize: 1, fastForwardNodes: 0
INFO [net] TronNetService start successfully.
INFO [net] TCP listener started, bind port 6666
INFO [Configuration] user defined config file doesn't exists, use default config file in jar
INFO [actuator] 

| SumActuator: param1 = 1, param2 = 2, sum = 3

At this point, SumActuator is finished. It is a simple case. In real business scenarios, there are much extra work to do, such as wallet-cli supportation or customizing a chainbase for storing data.