Main Net Database Snapshots

TRON officially offers database snapshots regularly for quick deployment.

You may switch back to your database after your node reaches the latest block.

Data SourceAddressDescription
Official data source(North America: Virginia), exclude internal transactions
Official data source(North America: Virginia), exclude internal transactions
Official data source(Singapore), exclude internal transactions
Official data source(Singapore), include internal transactions
TronGrid, include internal transactions


1. What is an internal transaction?

An internal transaction is a transaction extra executed in a smart contract(e.g. call, transfer). Full nodes do not record internal transactions as default, set saveInternalTx = true if needed.

2. LevelDB and RocksDB

The data of LevelDB and RocksDB are not allowed to be mixed. The database can be specified in the config file of the full node, set db.engine to LEVELDB or ROCKSDB.