Step to become a Candidate
Super Representative Candidate Application Process
- Open TRON Blockchain explorer:
- Click "Account".
- Input your website address and check the information below website address.
Note: 9999 TRX will be paid when users apply to be an SR candidate.
Tronscan provides a way for Super Representatives to publish their information right where the voters are, on Tronscan!
Super Representatives can use this template to build a static page which will be shown on Tronscan. The link will be placed in the voting overview page right next to the name of SR.
The Super Representatives can manage their content by editing files in the Github repository.
This guide assumes that you already have an account with Super Representative (candidate) status.
- Copy/Fork the Template on Github
- Go to
- Fork the repository
After forking the repository, you will be navigated to your own tronsr-template
version of the repository where you can make changes.
- Fill in the Template
Editing files on Github can now modify the template.
- Click the file you want to edit
- Open edit mode
- Add some information to the file
Files are written in markdown format. An excellent intro can be found at
- Update the logo.png and banner.png
Then click on "choose your files" and make sure the logo or banner you want to upload is namedlogo.png
to overwrite the placeholder images.
It can e published on after you filled the template.
- Publish to Tronscan
- Go to
- Login to your account. In this example, it uses the private key, but you may use any login method.
- Open an account and make sure the "Representative" label is visible
- Scroll to the bottom and click "Set Github Link."
- Enter your Github username and then press "Link Github."
- View your new Page!
This example shows where each file should be placed. The page will be updated immediately whenever a file on Github is modified.
Every account in TRON’s network can vote for the Super Representatives they support. Voting requires TRON Power (TP), 1 TP = 1 frozen TRX.
Users can use Tronscan or Tronlink to freeze, vote or obtain reward.
- e.g.
freezebalance password 10,000,000 3 // 10 TP for 10 frozen TRX
votewitness password witness1 4 witness2 6 //4 votes for witness1 and 6 votes for witness2
votewitness password witness1 3 witness2 7 // 3 votes for witness1 and 7 votes for witness2
The final result of the above commands is three votes for witness1 and seven votes for witness2.
Freezing/Unfreezing Balance
Why are Tokens Frozen?
The balance freezing mechanism is set up out of two considerations:
- To prevent malicious spam transactions from clogging the network and causing delayed transaction confirmation.
- To prevent malicious voting.
Freeze/Unfreeze Mechanism
Once the balance is frozen, the user will receive a proportionate amount of TP and bandwidth. TP represents voting power, whereas bandwidth points are used to pay for transactions.
Frozen assets are held in your frozen account and cannot be used for trading.
The fixed frozen duration is three days, after which you can unfreeze your balance any time you like manually. Balance unfrozen will be transferred back into your current account.
- The freezing command is as follows:
freezebalance password amount time
amount: the unit of frozen balance is Sun. The minimum frozen balance is 1,000,000 Sun or 1 TRX.
time: frozen duration lasting from date of freeze and date to unfreeze is three days.
freezebalance password 10_000_000 3
Unfreezing command:
unfreezebalance password
Updated over 4 years ago