Release 4.0 has implemented the shielded TRC-20 contract, which can hide the source address, destination address, and the token amount for TRC-20 transactions and provide users with better privacy. The shielded TRC-20 contract has three core functions: mint
, transfer
and burn
. mint
is used to transform the public TRC-20 token to shielded token; transfer
is used for shielded token transactions; burn
is used to transform the shielded token back to the public TRC-20 token. To support the shielded TRC-20 contract, four new zero-knowledge instructions (verifyMintProof
, verifyTransferProof
, verifyBurnProof
and pedersenHash
) are add in TVM, which make it convenient to provide privacy for arbitrary TRC-20 contract.
Forced upgrade
New features
Add 4 new instructions (
) in TVM to support TRC20 shielded transactions based on zk-SNARKs (#3172).verifyMintProof
: used to validate the zero-knowledge proof formint
: used to validate the zero-knowledge proof fortransfer
: used to validate the zero-knowledge proof forburn
: used to compute the Pedersen hash.
Update the initial parameters of zk-SNARKs scheme generated by the MPC Torch (#3210).
Add the APIs to support shielded TRC-20 contract transaction (#3172).
1. Create shielded contract parameters
rpc CreateShieldedContractParameters (PrivateShieldedTRC20Parameters) returns (ShieldedTRC20Parameters) {}
2. Create shielded contract parameters without ask
rpc CreateShieldedContractParametersWithoutAsk (PrivateShieldedTRC20ParametersWithoutAsk) returns (ShieldedTRC20Parameters) {}
3. Scan shielded TRC20 notes by ivk
rpc ScanShieldedTRC20NotesByIvk (IvkDecryptTRC20Parameters) returns (DecryptNotesTRC20) {}
4. Scan shielded TRC20 notes by ovk
rpc ScanShieldedTRC20NotesByOvk (OvkDecryptTRC20Parameters) returns (DecryptNotesTRC20) {}
5. Check if the shielded TRC20 note is spent
rpc IsShieldedTRC20ContractNoteSpent (NfTRC20Parameters) returns (NullifierResult) {}
6. Get the trigger input for the shielded TRC20 contract
rpc GetTriggerInputForShieldedTRC20Contract (ShieldedTRC20TriggerContractParameters) returns (BytesMessage) {}
Support the
to scan the transparent output ofburn
transaction (#3203). -
Support the
transaction with zero or one shielded output (#3224). -
Add data field in transaction log trigger class for future memo note (#3200).
The following TIPs are implemented in this release:
- TIP-135: Shielded TRC-20 contract standards, guarantee the privacy of the shielded transfer of TRC-20 tokens.
- TIP-137: Implements three zero-knowledge proof instructions in TVM to support the shielded TRC-20 contract (#3172).
- TIP-138: Implements the Pedersen hash computation instruction in TVM to support the shielded TRC-20 contract (#3172).
- Check if null before getInstance when get transaction info from DB to fix exception of
Updated over 4 years ago