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API Reference


Query information about an account, including TRX balance, TRC-10 balances, stake information and vote information and permissions etc.

This API returns the account object, which contains the following fields:

account_nameThe name of the account. The account name can be modified through the wallet/updateaccount interface. The account name can only be changed once.
addressAccount address
create_timeAccount creation time, i.e. account activation time on the TRON network
balanceTRX balance
frozen.frozen_balanceIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account to obtain bandwidth
frozen.expire_timeIn Stake 1.0, the expiration time of the stake operation performed by the account to obtain bandwidth. The account can perform the unstake operation after that time.
delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidthIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get bandwidth
acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_bandwidthIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get bandwidth
account_resource.frozen_balance_for_energy.frozen_balanceIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account to obtain energy
account_resource.frozen_balance_for_energy.expire_timeIn Stake 1.0, the expiration time of the stake operation performed by the account to obtain energy. The account can perform the unstake operation after that time.
account_resource.delegated_frozen_balance_for_energyIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get energy
account_resource.acquired_delegated_frozen_balance_for_energyIn Stake 1.0, the total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get energy
account_resource.delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_energyIn Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get energy
account_resource.acquired_delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_energyIn Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get energy
delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_bandwidthIn Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked by the account for others to get bandwidth
acquired_delegated_frozenV2_balance_for_bandwidthIn Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked by other accounts for this account to get bandwidth
frozenV2In Stake 2.0, the total amount of TRX staked to obtain various types of resources does not include the delegated TRX
unfrozenV2In Stake 2.0, each unstaking information. One of the unstaking information contains three fields: type: resource type; unfreeze_amount: the amount of unstaked TRX; unfreeze_expire_time: the start time stamp when the unstaked TRX can be withdrawn, in ms.
account_resource.energy_usageThe amount of energy used by the account
account_resource.latest_consume_time_for_energyThe last time the account consumed energy
net_usageThe amount of bandwidth used by the account
free_net_usageThe amount of free bandwidth used by the account
free_asset_net_usageV2The amount of trc10's free bandwidth used by this account
votesThe number of votes for each Super Representative
latest_opration_timeThe last operation time
latest_consume_timeThe last time the account consumed bandwidth
latest_consume_free_timeThe last time the account consumed free bandwidth
is_witnessIs Super Representative
allowanceThe amount of rewards that can be withdrawn for the account
latest_withdraw_timeThe last time the account has withdrawn the reward, the super representative or user can only withdraw the reward once within 24 hours
owner_permissionowner permissions
witness_permissionwitness permissions
active_permissionactive permission
assetThe token id and balance of the TRC10 token in the account
assetV2The token id and balance of the TRC10 token in the account. Note, the V2 version is used after allowing token with same name and the proposal has been activated at present.
asset_issued_nameThe name of the TRC10 token created by the account
asset_issued_IDTRC10 token ID created by the account
free_asset_net_usageThe amount of free bandwidth consumed by account transferring TRC10 tokens
free_asset_net_usageV2The amount of free bandwidth consumed by account transferring TRC10 tokens
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